Pay no attention to the blog behind the curtain

Kim Parsell wants me to “blog” while I’m at Write the Docs in Portland. What a preposterous notion.

You’d likely get much more out of searching the #writethedocs hashtag on Twitter.

Publish more, draft less

Though my blog subscribers may beg to differ, I actually spend quite a bit of time in the WerdsWords dashboard
writing posts. The thing is, I don’t publish a lot of the stuff I write.

If I had to really nail it down, I’d say the no. 1 reason I don’t publish most posts is that I don’t really want to be “that guy” who has a problem with the commonly-championed “thing”, whatever that may be.

I’ve also been reading a lot of these “daily blogging” or “regular writing” types of posts and really just end up self-labeling myself as a slacker and moving on. Unfortunately, I think the overwhelming list of drafts in my posts screen really just represents a lot of missed opportunities.

Maybe I should guts up this year and publish more, and draft less. I mean, hey, I published this, didn’t I? 😉